TITLE: Leira


EMAIL: fos@outgun.com

SPOILERS: Divide & Conquer


CONTENT WARNING: canon death of established character

CATEGORY:  Motherhood


STATUS: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 added. More to come.

ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just let me know

DISCLAIMER: Leira's mine. No one else in this story is. Don't sue...

FEEDBACK: Please do. All honest feedback, good or bad, welcome.

Part One

Jack walked slowly towards Sam where she and Marty lay, wincing at the blood staining her uniform. He focused on the tears slipping down her cheeks, wishing he could do something, anything for her when a small movement caught his eye. He looked up at the Stargate, noticing for the first time a small huddled body at the back of the ramp. The little girl sobbed quietly, her body curled into such a tiny, trembling ball that no one had noticed her arrival or the spot she'd obviously fallen to when the bullets began flying.

Sam looked up and then let her eyes follow his frowning gaze. She turned and gasped as she saw the small child. Martouf was forgotten as memories from Jolinar encased and then flooded her mind. A wet face, scrunched and red with teary annoyance at the harsh light of the world outside her mother's womb flashed before her eyes. Sam smiled sadly as she remembered looking up at Martouf in awe of the child her...no, Jolinar's...future host, Rosha, had brought forth. Her own host's imminent death could not push aside the love her mate and his new host, Martouf, had for the loudly screaming newborn. The soft joy in Martouf's eyes as he beheld his first and only daughter warmed Samantha and then crashed her to reality as her own memory of bullets ripping through him, leaving holes in their wake before her own zat blast finished his life forced itself to the fore. The plea in his eyes and the slight crack in his voice rang through her ears over and over as she realized she still had something she could do for him.

Jack caught Marty's head as Sam jumped toward the little girl and he gently lowered the deceased man's head to the ground. He didn't know who the kid was, but Carter was certainly high-tailing it up the ramp. He motioned for Fraiser to come over to take the body and headed up towards the Gate after Sam, ignoring the sudden heated debate that broke out between the Doc and Anise on how to dispose of the body.

Sam dropped to her knees, gathering the child in her arms, whispering fragments of a language she'd never learned, and as the girl began sobbing loudly, the unexpected sound attracted the attention of others in the Gate Room.

Anise's eyes widened as the first ragged sob rang out and moved to join Col. O'Neill on the ramp upon realizing that Martouf's daughter had managed to slip through the Chaapa'ai with the incoming Tok'ra entourage. How she'd stayed hidden was a mystery, but not an unexpected one. Martouf's child had only been brought to the new headquarters when it was revealed Heru'hur had an interest in the planet she'd been ensconced on. Martouf's pleasure in having his only child near had been as strong as his fear that he would lose her as well should another spy penetrate their borders. Freya sighed with remorse that he would turn out to be the reluctant spy he himself had so feared. Anise knew his wishes for his child and so stepped forward, hoping to salvage the situation.

"Leira, you were not permitted access to the Chaapa'ai. You should not have seen this. You will accompany me now."

Sam's hand paused in its now familiar journey across Leira's cheek as she glared at Anise before understanding that Leira was staring at her father's body as it was being reverently lifted by Daniel before it was handed over to the medical team arriving with a stretcher at the General's request.

Anise stepped forward, her concern for the child evident, but almost overshadowed by the annoyance in her voice, "Leira, you must return..."

"She's staying with me."

The force in Sam's voice stunned Anise. "You have no familial claim on Leira. She is the daughter of two Tok'ra and is therefore a Tok'ra Harceisis. She must be guarded at all times."

"Leira is the daughter of Rosha and Martouf. Jolinar became her mother after she joined Rosha. When Rosha died and Jolinar joined me, I became her mother. Leira is mine now and you will -not- take her away...not now."

"That is not our way."

"Rosha's family is dead. Martouf was the last of his line. I'm all she has when it comes to family and I am not letting this child go."

Leira's eyes tore away from her father's corpse to stare at Sam in obvious shock. Sam didn't really expect any outward emotion from her for awhile. She couldn't help but remember when she lost her mother. She hadn't known what to do or say for a long time and she was much older than Leira when it happened. Not to mention that she hadn't seen it happen, while Leira had probably gotten a fantastically horrific view of her father's body jerking with each well-aimed gunshot.

Daniel made sure Martouf was settled with Janet, who was taking full advantage of Anise's distraction to get Martouf's body out of there, before walking sure-footedly to the ramp where Sam was facing Anise, looking for all the world like a mother ready to attack at any sign of an overt threat. He paused beside Jack who was slowly squatting down beside Sam and then settled himself on the cool metal beside them, loosening his tie a bit when Jack's raised eyebrow indicated that he'd noticed the slight choking noise he'd made. Daniel smiled at Leira, listening with half an ear to the commotion behind him as Anise tried to address Persus about Leira and where she was supposed to be.

"Hi Leira."

Sam smiled a bit as the girl's eyes fastened on Jack, his soft tone relaxing her a bit. She still trembled badly, obviously on the edge of crying again, but as Sam relaxed, Leira allowed her body to mold itself to Sam's posture. Jack trailed a finger across Leira's nose, flicking it lightly as the little girl allowed her eyes to follow it's trail, almost crossing. He chuckled when she shook her head, her eyes shut tightly when his finger went out of focus.

Leira looked passed him to her father where he was being wheeled out of the room.

"Mache adrafa ne."

Leira sighed and closed her eyes, refusing to look at anyone or anything for the next few minutes, no matter what Sam or Jack did to try to get her attention. Jack finally gave up and looked at Sam.

"What did you say?"

"I told her it's okay to cry."

"You know that...language?"

Sam shook her head, wondering how to explain it to him. "Not all of it. Just pieces that are in really strong memories. Martouf said that to Rosha...at their handfasting."




"Jolinar spent a lot of time going through any of Rosha's memories that involved Lantash and Martouf so I have almost engraved impressions in my mind from each one."

Jack watched Sam's face, hating the pain in her eyes. He sighed, wishing he could make it stop. He glanced at the General walking up the ramp and realized Teal'c was behind him. He hadn't even noticed his presence and kicked himself for still being so loopy. This entire day had been just too weird. He couldn't believe how his feelings had been dragged out for everyone to see.

"Colonel? Who's this?"

"Marty's kid. She snuck through apparently and well...probably saw the whole thing."

Sam bit her lip, holding Leira close to her as she stood up, smiling at Daniel when he caught her arm to steady her as she rose. "Sir, I'm adopting Leira."

"Major, that's a rather...large decision."

"Sir...it's not taken lightly. I killed her father..."

Sam held up her hand to stop the almost immediate flow of words from those who were gathered around her. "I know. Believe me, if I knew of any way to change what just happened, I would, but he's gone. That's the bottom line. His daughter is here and, sir, I don't believe in fate, but I refuse to let another opportunity pass by without doing something. I can do this, sir."

All the reasons for and against her decision vied for attention in her mind as Sam waited to see what objections or support would be offered.

George looked the major in the eye, trying to decide whether she was just having an emotional reaction that was leading her to make a decision she'd regret later, or if this was the perfect way to fix what Dr. Fraiser had quietly revealed to him while everyone was distracted.

"Major, do me a favor. Wait until after the summit to make a final decision on this. Lay out the changes it'll make and see who can help you make it work."

"Yes, sir."

George turned to go and then paused, addressing Sam one more time. "On a personal note, Major, I will support any decision you make and will do everything in my power to try to do something to fix a piece of this tragedy."

Sam gulped lightly at the unveiled emotion in the General's eyes. "Thank you, sir. I really appreciate that."

The General nodded and Jack watched him walk slowly down the ramp. Then, he turned and motioned for SG-1 and company to follow.

"Leira needs to go to the Infirmary and then we all have a summit to attend."

Sam drew in a breath. "Sir, I'd like her to stay in my quarters with me while I'm on base."

"Carter, we're probably not going off base until after the President leaves so that's not a problem. I'll see about getting different clothes for her, too."

Sam's brow furrowed and she looked down at the small girl, less than four years old, and saw with shock the bloodstains that had leaked from her shirt onto the child's tunic. "Oh my...I didn't even notice..."

"Carter, relax. It's not your fault."

"I can't hold her...not while his blood is all over me."

"It's not all over you..."


Teal'c stepped forward and gently lifted Leira out of MajorCarter's arms.

"I will watch over the child while you change your attire. I assure you. No harm will come to her while she is with me."

"I know, Teal'c. Thank you."

Sam bit her lip, trying to get herself under control. She took a steadying breath and walked beside Teal'c, her position beside him so familiar and comforting that she found her mind releasing some of the tension that had been building.

She whispered to herself, needing to hear the words from her own mouth to believe them. "It's not my fault."

Part Two

Sam rolled her right shoulder, kneading the muscle with her hand, trying to get the kinks out while listening to Daniel's quiet query as they walked toward the infirmary.

"So, you're saying the Tok'ra think she's a Harceisis."

Sam glanced around to make sure no one was listening before answering. "Yes, but that's wrong. I don't know why Martouf didn't correct them, though, so I'm not sure if I should."

They paused in their conversation as a couple of SFs walked briskly down the corridor, nodding to Maj. Carter before continuing their journey to wherever they were going.

"Well you already told Anise a pretty distinct order of events when you claimed Leira as your own so, you'll just have to hope that she doesn't think it over and catch on to the discrepancy."

Sam bit her lip, wincing at the sting and realized she'd have to be more careful. She'd been biting that particular spot too often. She sighed, imagining the President's face if blood started running down her chin in the middle of the summit. "Leira would have been a Harceisis if Rosha and Martouf had waited longer. Then Rosha would have been blended as well."

Daniel raised his eyebrows at the catch in her voice and arrested Sam's forward motion with a strong hand catching her arm. "Sam, it really wasn't your fault."

Hiding a sniff behind a sudden cough, she tried not to let her eyes water yet again. "I know. I really do...it's just that my heart clearly isn't paying attention to my head right now."

Daniel sighed a bit, turning to look at Jack as the Colonel caught up with them, two stuffed bags dangling in his hand.


"Okay, Carter. I have basic stuff here...had to guess on the sizes...and you can see if there's anything else she needs. We're expected in the briefing room in a couple hours after the President and the High Council doo-dad guy are finished with their tours."

Sam's mouth curved in a soft smile, some of it actually reaching her eyes. "Sir, this was...really sweet. Thank you."

"Well, I had some help. Amazing how many women jump at the chance to help a lost guy in the little girls' clothing section."

Sam grinned at Daniel's snort as Jack rocked back on his heels, waiting for someone to say something. Finally the silence went a bit too long and he scrunched his lips for a second before asking a question. "Where is she?"

"Teal'c took her to the infirmary while I changed so they should be finished now. Walk with me?"


Daniel and Jack took protective positions beside Sam, trying to make it look casual so as not to offend the very capable soldier in her, but aware that her heart had been laid out for everyone around her to sift through at their leisure. Neither man could shake the need to shield Carter from prying eyes and questioning glances.


Leira's grey eyes widened and tried to follow the penlight, blinking at the brightness.

Janet chuckled softly and motioned a nurse to gently hold Leira's arm while she took a quick blood sample, listening to the rest of Teal'c's explanation of how the child had appeared in the first place.

"She then allowed me to take the child into my care while she removed her blood-stained clothing."

Janet smiled at the squirming girl, now openly glaring at the nurse who hadn't let her move away from the prick of the needle. "There you go. All finished."

Janet turned to Teal'c, her voice lowering to privatize her comments. "We don't have clothes in her size here so..."

"ColonelO'Neill said he would get the child new clothes."

She mentally pictured the Colonel picking out little girl clothes in a department store. She just hoped that he was one of those special men who could actually make a decent guess when it came to clothing sizes. Of course, as great as he was with kids, maybe he had picked up a few things...

"How is she?"

Janet turned to see Sam walking purposefully toward the child, pausing to scoop the quiet girl into her arms. Her cheek rested on Leira's head and her hand shifted the soft hair as the little one relaxed against her. Janet watched closely to see Sam's reaction and decided to back off, giving them some room when a small smile made its way across the would-be mom's lips.

Teal'c moved back until he was touching the wall so as to ensure MajorCarter's privacy, but to be close enough in case anything happened to her new child. He was unconvinced that the danger was truly over and would do a thorough sweep of the base after he was certain MajorCarter would be looked after. His eyes took in the presence of the rest of his team as O'Neill and DanielJackson tried to stand off to the side a bit, more than likely for the same reasons as he.

Janet made her way to the Colonel, her eyes taking in the physical signs of the emotional havoc the day had wrought on him before motioning to the bags in his hand.

He grinned and simply mouthed, "Clothes."

She smiled, unable to resist checking exactly what the Colonel had thought was appropriate for the child. Jack only handed her one of the bags, saying nothing in response to her silent query so she just cocked her head a moment before taking the few steps to make sure the Colonel had gotten half-way useable clothing.

"They might be a bit big on her, but she's so small I didn't want to get anything that wouldn't give her some room to breathe."

"Good idea."

Janet stepped to an empty bed; carefully laying out the outfit the Colonel had bought. A slightly oversized shirt with little white teddy bears glittering as they danced across the material, soft denim shorts, thick bootie-socks and shoes that might be a bit big laid themselves neatly on the bed for her perusal. The doctor's mouth curved as she tried to withhold a chuckle when she pulled out the little "Bite Me" boxers that he had chosen for Leira. Only a man...

Her eyes met the Colonel's and his mouth quirked as he gave an unrepentant shrug. She shook her head slightly and pulled out the matching "Bite Me" baseball cap and rolled her eyes toward heaven. She looked over in time to see Daniel's eyes widen at Jack's choice of attire. The younger man's elbow connected with the older man's ribs, earning him a wounded look that didn't quite work since the Colonel's eyes still sparkled with mischief.

Janet's eyes misted a bit when she saw the receipt and knew without a doubt Leira was going to get the last item on the paper soon. She wondered if the child had had anything like it before.

"Do they pass?"

Janet smirked. "Yes, Colonel, they'll do. Can't believe you got those..."

Jack grinned and raised an eyebrow when Sam opened her eyes and looked over. He realized they wouldn't be needed for a few minutes and stepped back. "Let's let the ladies get her dressed while we...umm...walk over here."

Daniel's sardonic expression was met with a "shut up, I'm not stupid so there" expression from Jack as he followed him far enough over that Janet could draw the curtain around the bed. Jack couldn't hold back a snicker when they heard Carter's exasperated, "Ugh."

"Musta saw the boxers."

"Can't believe you..."

"Been there."

"With Janet, not me. Can't believe you want her wearing the term 'Bite me.' You realize she may want to know what it means. Not exactly the first lesson she should learn."'

Daniel's lower jaw gaped slightly at Jack's almost-whispered reply. "Hey! She's staying here, she's got Carter for a mom, and she just saw her Dad die. Excuse me if I think the boxers fit."

"Okay! I was teasing you, Jack."

"Oh. Okay then."

Daniel rolled his eyes, then bit back a smile at the petite model, staring at her new clothes as Sam pulled the curtain back. Leira's eyes watched the curtain as it moved, then lifted her shirt to stare at the teddy bears. A question in her eyes prompted Jack's feet forward, lazy smile widening at the golden hair hastily pulled through the back of the baseball cap.

"They're teddy bears. Pictures of this."

Leira's gaze shot from the shirt to focus on the bag he was opening. Jack smiled, slowly revealing the squishy white plush teddy bear he'd gotten for her. Her hand slowly lifted, as if afraid it would disappear. She stopped, looking at Jack again.

He stepped closer, watching for any personal space hang-ups and, seeing none, tweaked her on the nose. He laughed softly as she automatically scratched it, an annoyed expression gracing her pixie-like face. "It's yours. Wanna name it?"

Her lip began to quiver as he placed the bear against her chest. He grinned openly as her arms snaked around it, cuddling it. His heartstrings tugged, glad now that he'd passed over the smaller bear even though this one was almost as big as she was. Trying again to draw her out, he ran his pinkie over her ear. He expected her hand to smack his finger, but instead she leaned forward and bit his nose. Daniel choked on a laugh as Jack jumped backward in shock. It hadn't hurt very much, but he hadn't thought she'd do anything like that.

"Colonel, I believe you've succeeded in allaying her shyness where you're concerned."

Jack glared at the Doc, knowing she was loving any chance she got to tease him. "Well...that was the point after all."

Sam, smiling, stepped forward, lifting her daughter...teddy bear and all...so that she was comfortably settled on her left hip.  "Come on, love. We've got a summit to attend."

"You're taking her?"

Sam turned at Daniel's question, her surprise evident. "Of course. I'm not letting her out of my sight unless it's with one of you four and since all of you will be there..."


Leira settled against Sam, clutching the bear as if it would run away if she didn't keep it as close as possible. Jack smiled, still rubbing his nose. She might be hurting, but at least they could ease her transference.

"At least she won't have to go through the initial trauma Cassie had to endure."

Jack turned to Janet, hearing the wistful tone in her voice. "I don't know...she hasn't said a word. She's definitely traumatized."

"I know...I just mean that she's young enough we can probably help her over the early post-traumatic symptoms; teach her how to grieve and let go before throwing her into the public school system."

Jack winced. "Good point. Cassie had way too many problems that first month. Leira's got a year before she has to start."

"Cassie's dying to earn some money so since I won't let her get an after-school job, she can baby-sit for Sam."

Sam stopped, turning around. "You do realize that none of this is final yet, right? I can't do anything until the General agrees simply because of the need to forge birth documents for her."

All responses were drowned out as the alarm sounded and "Incoming Wormhole" was announced over the P.A. They arrived en masse in the Control Room in time to hear General Hammond give the order to open the iris.

"Sir? Who is it?"

George looked over, seeing the beautiful child curled around the large teddybear and smiled in spite of himself. "It's the Tok'ra's IDC so we're going to find out who it is."

Jack looked over at Leira who was staring at the open Gate, starting to tremble. He was about to suggest Carter take her somewhere else when Carter's eyes lit up. He swiveled around to see who she was looking at and had to smile when Jacob and two other Tok'ra stepped onto the ramp.

Sam started to walk towards the window, but stopped when Leira gave a small, sighing whimper. Teal'c stepped forward, lifting her out of Sam's arms. "I will watch her. Go meet your father."

Sam smiled at him before barely restraining herself from running to greet her father, followed by the General and the Colonel.

Daniel watched them go before turning to Teal'c and Leira. "She really doesn't like seeing the Gate. How about we go..."

"Airman. Tell MajorCarter we have taken her daughter to the Commissary for nourishment."

"Yes, sir."

Teal'c didn't even acknowledge the man as he turned, his eyes warming as Leira looked up at him before wiggling a bit and getting more comfortable. He smiled when she laid her bear on him, then laid on the bear, his strong hands carefully lifting the awkwardly positioned baseball cap and settling it on the bear's head instead of hers. She then closed her eyes and quietly rested as they walked.

Daniel walked beside them, inwardly wondering how he could get a chance to hold her since so far Teal'c and Jack had taken the initiative with her. He sighed a bit, wishing he'd had more experience with children her age. She was lovely. He couldn't see any problem with Sam claiming her at all. Her eyes were Martouf's, but her golden blond hair and fair, perfect skin easily lent itself to being from Sam.

"Strange that she's so comfortable with you."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow, pausing mid-stride to face DanielJackson. "Explain."

"She's Tok'ra, you're a Jaffa, yet there was no hesitation. I'm wondering if it's shock, if she just doesn't realize what you are or if she's been told about you and so knows she can trust you implicitly."

Teal'c looked down at the girl, her eyes shut and noticed she had a glittery sparkle to her lashes. "I do not know nor do I intend to ask her. She will tell me if she believes I should know."

Teal'c anticipated DanielJackson's question and continued. "There is a great deal of intelligence in her eyes and I believe she will remember everything she hears and sees of this day. She must first grieve and overcome her fears. Knowing that she is now safe and will not be abandoned by us will ease the discomfort. She will then speak."

Daniel stared at his friend, mulling over his words. "That makes sense."

"I know."

Daniel smiled, walking again beside Teal'c as they headed for the Commissary.

Part Three

Jacob released Sam from the strong hug, his eyes searching hers.

Sam smiled, trying to keep from going watery all over again at the concern she read there.

"I'm okay, Dad. Just...been rough."

"I know. Anise sent me a message, letting me know what was going on."

"Oh, well then...you know what I did."

"She told me you had no choice. She also said you'd claimed Leira, who, by the way, apparently lured Fusot into the council chamber and then shot him with a zat'ni'ki'tel before slipping through the Chaapa'ai with Persus."

Sam stared at her father, hearing the exasperation and pride in his voice, remembering how incredibly intelligent Leira had been on Jolinar's last visit to her before the battle with Apophis that had started the cascading time rush toward her eventual death.

"Should I even ask how she got a Zat?"

Jacob shrugged.

"Leira is one of the mysteries of the universe according to 90% of the Tok'ra. The remaining Tok'ra are usually the girl's victims, spending most of their time with her unconscious or confused, so.."

Jacob's long-suffering sigh made Sam smile. His lowered head signalled Selmac's assumption of control.

"I knew she took after Martouf, but I didn't realize she'd become quite so..."

"Skilled? Yes, she'll make an excellent Tok'ra when she matures."

Sam fought down her instinctual response to his casual comment, choosing to step back and let the General greet his old friend.

"Maj. Carter."

Sam turned to look at the airman.


"Dr. Jackson and Teal'c have taken your daughter to the Commisary to eat."

She nodded and turned back in time to see her dad take control and exchange a look with General Hammond, but decided to let it go. She knew her situation was strange. She couldn't blame the two of them for being a little unsure of how to deal with it. She wouldn't let that stop her, though.

"Dad, the Tok'ra have already gathered in the room where the summit is being held."

"Major, I'll escort Jacob. You go get your daughter and I won't notice if she has a few things to snack on as long as she doesn't get crumbs or anything on any of the dignitaries."

Sam looked at Gen. Hammond in shock, a grateful smile lighting her eyes for a moment before she dropped her eyes, composing her features into a polite smile.

"Thank you, sir. I'll go now. See you soon, Dad."

"Sure, kid."

Sam heard the men start talking even before she'd taken three steps, her mind comparing them to little old ladies gossiping about the latest surprise. She chuckled, earning appreciative looks from those she passed on her way to where her daughter was undoubtedly being introduced to every unhealthy desert she could want.


Daniel grinned, wiping the whipped topping off Leira's fingers with one of three damp napkins thoughfully provided by a smiling Lieutenant in her second trimester of her third pregnancy. The pregnancy uniform was getting slightly snug and the few women on base who were eating, talked non-stop about all of the horrors being with child forced a woman to experience. They paused occasionally to fawn over Leira, trying to get the girl to smile. Daniel just calmly answered all of Teal'c's questions, pleasantly surprised to find Teal'c interested in comparing the differences between Jaffa women and Tau'ri women when...expecting. Leira's eyes moved from one man to the other throughout the discussion, never saying a word. Her mouth only opened to allow food in.

Teal'c brought another spoonful of the chocolate mousse DanielJackson had procured to Leira's lips, feeling her lean forward, eager for another bite. They had tried most of the deserts, but chocolate "anything" with whipped topping got the most response out of her. She still didn't smile, but she was much more alert, beginning to take a true interest in her surroundings.

"I -knew- it!"

Daniel jumped at the sound of Sam's amused voice.

"She likes chocolate."

Leira had paused, and then looking straight at Sam, she leaned forward and quickly cleaned the spoon off, rolling the smooth concoction around in her mouth before swallowing. Sam stepped forward, secretly glad the child's spirit had begun to reassert itself.

"I don't mind her having some, but she'll need real food to snack on during the meeting."

Daniel looked at Sam like she was nuts, Clearly remembering when children had been brought to his lectures with food.

"You do realize she's a little kid...messes kinda happen"

Sam just gave a mysterious grin and pushed the mousse away.

"C'mon guys."

She started toward her daughter, but, pretending not to notice Sam's movement, Daniel wrapped his arms around Leira, turning her as he stood so that she was nestled on his hip.

"What kind of real food?"

Sam paused at the glimpse of Daniel's secret smile as his eyes met Leira's for a moment before the little girl relaxed against him, preparing to travel. Sam mused with an inward grin that Leira would probably forget to walk if the guys kept carrying her everywhere. Daniel took a step when Leira shot straight up, a small cry slipping between her lips before she screwed her eyes shut and pursed her lips to keep any other sound from escaping. Sam was beside them in a heartbeat.

"What did I do?"

"I don't think you did anything, Daniel. Leira? C'mon honey, I need to know what's wrong."

Leira's chin trembled a bit, but when she opened her damp eyes, no tears fell. She calmed herself and twisted a bit, grabbing onto Daniel's shirt when he started to hand her to Sam. Teal'c looked around for a reason to explain her distress. His eyes widened in comprehension when he saw the forgotten bear, sitting in it's own chair. He picked it up, dusting off the chocolate crumbs that had escaped the table top.

"I believe this is what she requires."

Leira's head whipped around and Daniel tried not to lose his balance at the speed with which she moved. Her hands reached out, trusting Daniel not to drop her as Teal'c safely delivered her bear to her care. She gripped the toy, as if afraid it would disappear and turned, curling around it to lean against Daniel's chest. Daniel let out a breath, his arms adjusting to her new position and he turned, slightly afraid Sam would want to take her.

Sam smiled at him, concern shadowing her eyes as she stepped away, showing Daniel she trusted him. She'd seen the look in his eyes and she was beginning to wonder why keeping Leira at that moment had seemed so important to him. Shaking away the thought, she tried to inject a lighter tone.

"Well...bear's safe. Let's get some real food."

Daniel smiled at her and Teal'c was never more than a step away as they followed her to see what she had in mind.


Jack waited until Leira was watching the President before reaching over gently yanking on her bear's leg. Her head whipped around, murder in her eyes, only to find him paying his undivided attention to his Commander-In-Chief. Suspicious, but not sure it was him, Leira looked away, loosening her grip slightly on the bear to see if he or whoever it had been would take the bait. Jack's eyebrow lifted a bit at the deliberate ploy and considered not taking her up on it, but couldn't resist. He caught Teal'c's eye and knew the other man had been watching the whole time from his spot against the wall. Daniel had kept an almost proprietary hold on the little girl, so they settled on tormenting her and giving her anything she seemed to want.

Teal'c quietly slipped behind DanielJackson, aware of the mission O'Neill wished him to undertake. He smiled inwardly, enjoying the child's alertness. He nodded to O'Neill and as his leader's hand yanked the bear's leg, Teal'c reached around the other side of the child.

Daniel watched Leira, trying to figure out what had her attention when she turned and kicked Jack's knee. Sam was out of her chair in an instant when her daughter squealed, the sound slipping out and surprising everyone in attendance. Crossing the room's spanse, Sam looked at Daniel's shocked gaze and at the content expressions of Teal'c and the Colonel.

Her voice a whisper, she chastised all three of them. "I don't know what you did, but I can't believe you interrupted the summit to do it!"

Sam lifted her daughter up, making sure her bear was snug against her, the baseball cap having been turned backwards on its head upon the Colonel's arrival in the room. Daniel glared at Jack, then at Teal'c, knowing he'd have to do something really nice to get to hold Leira again. At the thought, he graced both men with yet another glare.

"Relax, Daniel. She's got great reflexes. Now we know she's ticklish. That's a weakness and the only way to cure that weakness is by tickling her until she's not ticklish anymore."

Daniel gaped at Jack's whisper, turning away, his head shaking in disbelief, in time to see Sam settled in her chair.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President. It won't happen again."

Sam's warning look to her teammates underscored her statement and the President smiled kindly.

"It's quite all right, Major. Your daughter is delightfully quiet and well-behaved. A testament to her good upbringing."

Sam's eyebrows rose, but at General Hammond's sharp look, didn't correct her leader. Instead, she smiled and politely thanked him. She grinned unabashedly for a moment before suppressing it to a small smile when the General glared down the other three members of SG-1. Leira just cuddled her bear and picked up some of the Oreos in a bowl near her, now out of celery sticks and mixed nuts to snack on. Sam saw the questing, little hand. Curious, she looked around to see where the bowl had come from. The airman at the door smiled at her and she realized that her daughter was in danger of becoming truly spoiled.

Daniel watched Leira's eyes flick from one person to another, casually keeping track of where people were and he couldn't help but wonder what she'd been like before seeing her father torn apart with bullets. He didn't think she'd always been this quiet. Teal'c was probably right. Her intelligence was unmistakeable. She slowly ate one Oreo after another, savoring each one. She could definitely be Sam's daughter with that chocolate addiction of hers. Daniel smiled and then frowned, remembering she'd be eating those Oreos in his lap if it hadn't been for Jack. He turned and glared again only to receive a "What? Are you still mad?" look from him. In frustration, Daniel turned his attention back to the agreement the Tok'ra and America's leadership had been discussing for the last forty-five minutes.

Part Four

Restless and out of Oreos, Leira pulled at her sleeve until Sam finally set her on the floor just so she could pay attention to the High Council's personal wishes regarding a few additional items that had been brought up. The little girl took a shallow breath and, clutching her bear to her chest, slipped around the table, threading herself around the various legs and feet in her path.

Daniel had noticed the moment Leira was no longer in Sam's lap and could follow the child's progress by the smiles on the faces of those who were forced to move and allow her passage. He casually moved back his chair, trying not to draw attention to himself as the bobbing blonde head neared his position. The man next to him shifted, smiling, and Daniel leaned forward to capture her...only to be thwarted by Teal'c slipping quickly past him and lifting the suprised girl high in the air.

Daniel growled, shocking those around the table, and stood, taking Leira's bear. He hugged it and Leira stared at him for only a moment before bopping Teal'c on the head and pointing to Daniel. Teal'c cocked his head at the light blow before conceding this victory to DanielJackson.

Daniel smiled as Leira was delivered to him, her arms going around the bear, and he took his seat, schooling his features to look as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.

A low thunking noise caught his attention and he looked up to see Sam almost stomping her way to his seat, severe annoyance written across her features.

He wrapped his arms tightly around Leira and drew up his legs so her mother couldn't take her back again without a fight.



"Dr. Jackson!"

Daniel pursed his lips, realizing that all that really left to be done on the treaty was for it to be signed. He wasn't needed.

"You're right, sir. This is obviously disturbing everyone."

Sam held out her arms, expecting to be handed her daughter, only to be surprised again when Daniel popped up, pushing his books onto Jack's and slipping out of the room fast enough, a squeak was heard from Leira as she passed through the doorway.

Sam looked at the door, baffled, then swung, her head still cocked to look at the General.


"It's quite alright, Major. Dr. Jackson will just have to learn to share. Right now, however, I believe your daughter is safe. If you'll take a seat, I'd like to finish this meeting."

Sam flushed, feeling the President's slightly incredulous gaze on her. She took a few steps and regained her seat, blushing slightly, quite sure the Colonel was staring at her. When she finally looked up to check, she saw that Teal'c and the Colonel were staring at the doorway, an annoyed expression shared between them. For a moment, Sam was jealous of her daughter, then she shook her head, unable to believe she'd even given that thought a moment's indulgence.


Jack barely managed to keep from running out of the room as soon as the last Tok'ra finally retired for the night. He'd arranged temp quarters for them at the General's request and he was ready to track down a cute little girl in need of proper spoiling as well as a naughty archaeologist who was NOT going to out-do him. Everyone knew kids loved him...Daniel hadn't ever dared or even seemed to want to infringe on that. Leira, adorable, Sam's Leira...was going to love him as much as all the other children he'd met. Kids had always liked him...

Realizing he was repeating himself...to himself, he shook his head to clear his thoughts. The President was gone and Teal'c had already left, quiet and unobtrusively. That meant he'd have to have an edge...something that would just draw a certain pixie right out of Jackson's arms and into his. Plans formulated, he headed down the corridor with an anticipatory smirk.


Teal'c glared at DanielJackson, unfortunately not brave enough to do so at MajorCarter, as well. As soon as she'd been dismissed, she'd headed to DanielJackson's office and he'd barely gotten here before she had arrived with orders to hand Leira over and stop acting like little boys. DanielJackson was as unhappy as he, and made no attempt to conceal his emotion. Leira's former captor, however, was also unable to glare at MajorCarter so the eye fight would continue between the two men until a better target made itself known.

Sam rolled her eyes, unable to believe the level of immaturity the guys were displaying. She knew the Colonel had an excuse. He was great with children...way better than her.  Daniel, though...she'd never seen Daniel display more than curiosity toward a child, tending to talk to them as if they were adults or get a little flustered. It was kinda cute, actually. With Leira, though...an entirely different side had made itself known and she wasn't sure how much was about Leira and how much was just a competitive streak in the guys.

Leira looked from one adult to another, obviously trying to figure things out and Daniel switched between glaring at Teal'c and gazing at her. She was a dream. Exactly what he'd always imagined the perfect child would be. No one but Sam knew if she spoke English, though since Sam had tried to continue speaking in that intricately unique dialect of Hebrew to her, he doubted she understood much if any. That or Sam was just trying to raise the girl's comfort level. Martouf had understood English and, of course, Jolinar had either known it already or learned it quickly while in the Nasyan or in Sam, but that was no guarantee the child knew it.

An airman cautiously stepped into the room, going straight to attention when Sam's ire-laced expression turned on him, expecting the Colonel. Her eyes softened immediately when she realized it was the same airman who'd thoughtfully provided the oreos, earlier.

"Yes, airman?"

"Ma'am, you're to report to the Astrometrics Lab immediately.."

"Were you told why?"

"No, Ma'am. Just that there had been an accident and you were needed."

"Thank you, airman."

Sam sighed and looked around her, wondering whether she should choose one of the men to leave Leira with or whether she would be better off just setting the girl on the floor and telling both men to watch, but not touch. A small smile graced her mouth and she chose the latter, trying not to see the annoyance both men shot at her back as she shut the door and left.

"Leira, come here."

Leira looked up at Daniel, but didn't move. Teal'c stepped forward, getting as close as he could without actually touching the girl. Both men looked at the door as it opened, a very happy Jack O'Neill entering the room.

"Ouch. Heard you both can't touch the kid. Guess that means I'm home free."

"O'Neill, you will not..."

Teal'c stopped, realizing he was about to challenge O'Neill over a child that was not his. If he had done that on Chulak, Drey'auc would have been within her rights to have him beaten for suspicion of having overt feelings for the child's mother. He straightened, running through everything he'd learned of the Tau'ri laws, trying to see if a similar one existed here. If so, he would need to change his strategy as he knew O'Neill and MajorCarter had already professed feelings for one another. He did not wish to fight O'Neill, though...he was highly appreciative of the picture SamanthaCarter made when holding her daughter...

"Is her name Leira Carter, now?"

"It will be, though I don't know what else Sam'll add to it when she does the birth certificate."

Daniel moved closer, helping Teal'c block Jack from bringing out whatever it was he was holding behind his back and convincing Leira to go to him. As long as she couldn't see him, he couldn't get her to leave her spot on the floor. Daniel looked around for something to distract her with and saw a kaleidoscope he'd been given by Jack awhile back since it had...Egyptian stuff on it. Mainstream tourist item, but Daniel smiled at how hard it had been to get Jack to stop looking in it and actually hand over the gift.

Leira cocked her head, opening her mouth before shutting it abruptly. Daniel's smile dimmed a bit, wondering how long until she let herself speak. So far, no more crying, but he didn't know whether that was good or bad for a child. He hadn't cried after the first few moments of seeing his adopted parents die, but he had always been labelled a strange geek so there was no way for him to know whether that had been a normal response to losing one's parents or not.

He got down on one knee, holding out the "kallyscope" as Jack had called it, careful not to actually touch her, and demonstrated how to use it. She made sure her bear was secure between her short legs, her suspicious glance making it clear she hadn't forgotten how many antics had been attempted with it already, before cautiously looking over the new toy.

"Man, I should've thought of that."

Jack's whisper made Daniel grin and he lifted a triumphant gaze only to have it turn into panic when he saw what Jack had thought of instead. He moved so Leira couldn't see the chocolate sundae Jack had been eating while waiting by the door for Leira to get the hang of the kallyscope. Unfortunately, Teal'c moved a bit and Leira lowered the kallyscope and saw the chocolate swirls in the ice cream. Faster than any man in the room could believe, the child was standing at Jack's feet, pulling on his pants and pointing to the ice cream.

Daniel lifted the bear and kallyscope, knowing she'd remember them in a moment and couldn't hold back a smile as Jack squatted down and lifted a small spoonful of ice cream to her open and waiting mouth. Her eyes twinkled a bit and Jack couldn't move, enthralled as she enjoyed the cold treat. He lifted another bite, then put it in his own mouth, enjoying her instant indignation. She stuck a finger into the ice cream, and began feeding herself, not waiting for him to do it anymore. Jack watched, snickering at the independence she couldn't hide, though he knew her finger would go numb and he didn't wanna take a chance on her not wanting to continue eating.

Daniel walked the bear and kallyscope over, sitting down with them. Jack may have her now, but he had her bear and she wasn't gonna go anywhere far without her bear....

Part Fi ve




"Not gonna happen."

"The bear or the artifact."

"Keeping the bear."



"I'll drop it."

"Go ahead. I'll tell Gen. Hammond I'd only translated the first part and that I suspected the second panel contained Stargate addresses of Goa'uld military surpluss suppliers...and I'll still have the bear."

Sam stood in the doorway, observed only by her daughter and Teal'c as the other two occupants bargained...over Leira's bear.


"Give me the bear."

Both men froze, turning to her with guilty flushes.

"I can't believe you're holding a stuffed animal hostage!"

Sam refused to laugh, staying as stern as she could until she saw the empty ice cream bowl on Daniel's desk and Leira holding onto Daniel's leg, pulling his pants enough that the waistband had become slightly crooked. She didn't seem any more amused than Sam was and kept trying to grab her bear. "Daniel, give her the bear."

"No. Then she'll go wherever she wants to and Teal'c and I still can't touch her."

"Oh geez...you can touch her."

Daniel's low whoop was accompanied by Leira's breathy surprise as she was lifted in one arm to meet her bear, which rested in the other.

Teal'c stepped between MajorCarter and her daughter, extremely annoyed. "Why has DanielJackson been given a privilege I have not also been granted?"

"Teal'c, that was meant for both of you."

His expression lightened immediately. "I see. Thank you."

Daniel's attempt to slide by them was thwarted by Teal'c lifting him off the floor, careful not to dislodge Leira. Sam's jaw fell open as Teal'c carried the now curled up Daniel and Leira out of the room. She turned to look at her very annoyed commanding officer and quickly stepped between him and the door when he started to follow them. "Sir, doesn't this strike you as slightly...umm...over the top?"

"Carter, we're only gonna see her when we're not on missions. Which means when we're here, she's top priority."

"But why?"

"Excuse me?"

Sam tried not to stutter at the intensely incredulous look he glared her down with. "I just meant...you barely know her and..."

"Carter. She just lost her dad. Her mom's been dead. She needs all the spoiling she can get right now."

"I just think maybe this isn't as much about Leira as it is about each of you getting one up on the other."

"You're wrong. We all want time with her. If that means that we...negotiate, then that's how it'll happen."

"Don't you think Daniel's behavior is odd?"

"Yes and what's more, he's starting to really tick me off. What kind of man curls his knees up to his chest while being carried by Teal'c...that's just...eh...."

Sam stepped out of the way of the pure, unadulaterated male disgust on her CO's face. She had to admit it. Daniel had looked rather amusing with his ankles crossed in the air like that.


Janet Fraiser, Napoleonic Powermongering Sedative Queen was doing a quick rub down on Lt. Graham Simmons. He'd been having neck and shoulder pain so she'd begun doing quick five-minute massages whenever he came in...every time.

"Dr. Fraiser, Teal'c is here and umm...he says he needs something surgically removed."

Janet's eyebrow rose and she gently patted Graham, letting him know he was done until the next time he needed her. While Graham pulled his shirt  back on, Janet hurried into the main room, skidding to a halt at the sight of a very annoyed Teal'c holding a curled up Daniel and an irate blonde who was trying to get her bear free of Dr. Jackson's iron grip. For a second laughter warred with disbelief, and finally Janet just shook her head stepping forward. "I think this has gone far enough..."

"Dr. Fraiser. You will remove the item in my nose immediately."


Janet closed the distance between her and Teal'c quickly and began to carefully examine his nose. After a moment, she sighed, realizing this was going to be extremely painful. "Teal'c, how did the bear's eye get up your nose?"

"DanielJackson was careless. LeiraCarter blamed me."

Janet's eyes widened and she stared at the increasingly aggravated girl."She took the bear's eye and..."

"She was attempting to free her animal by pulling on it's head. When this did not work, she yanked it most forcefully and one of the eyes came out. A moment later, the eye resided in my nose. You will now remove it."

Janet bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment, an inch away from filling the room with very unladylike laughter.

Controlling herself, she looked Teal'c in the eye. "If you'll put Daniel down and sit here, I'll..."

"I will not. I have been punished and I will not allow DanielJackson victory in this."

"Teal'c...put him down."


Janet glanced at Daniel, now beginning to understand why Leira's lovely face was contorted. "I can't believe how selfish the two of you are being. Leira isn't happy and isn't that what counts?"

They both went still, then Teal'c spoke. "She would be most jubilant if she were with me."

"Yeah, right...she's happier with me. When she's not cramped from a Jaffa holding me."

"Dr. Jackson!"

Daniel froze at her tone, knowing he'd gone too far.

"Teal'c put him down. Now."

Teal'c only refrained a moment longer, then, growling lightly, he released DanielJackson slowly so the other man could get circulation back into his legs.

"Don't move. Set Leira on this bed and you sit on that one."

Daniel complied, moving away quickly.


Janet didn't even blink before Leira, glaring at the medical doctor now, had climbed off the bed and had hightailed it to Daniel, grabbing at her bear. "Give her the bear."

"You didn't say to give her the bear."

Janet was so tempted to slap him that she didn't move in case she actually did it. "I just did. She's acting more maturely than you are. Let her have her bear and you lay down."


"I'm going to see if you're having an allergic reaction to your brain since your body's obviously rejecting it."

Daniel pursed his lips and finally let Leira have her bear. "Now she'll go running to Jack."

Janet didn't give his mutter the dignity of a comment before lifting the child onto the bed, telling her to stay there.


George Hammond smiled into the soft, grey-green eyes, holding the cup of cool milk steady as one cookie after another was dunked and enjoyed. The President was on a phone call, but hadn't minded George and Leira staying there, so the General relaxed in one of the smaller chairs in his office, glad Maj. Carter had deemed him the one person SG-1's male residents wouldn't dare steal her daughter from. Leira looked up at him and he realized she was out of cookies. He looked around for something to amuse her, having already discovered that she was the same as Kayla when it came to actually drinking the cookied milk. She wasn't interested.

He had to hold her tightly for a second when she jolted and he followed her gaze to the window that separated his office from the briefing room. There, looking very smug, a Colonel Jack O'Neill was holding a huge tumbler of chocolate pudding. George glared and jerked his head, motioning the Colonel away from the window. Smiling, he did as he was told and George narrowed his eyes, wondering why his smile hadn't slipped.

He found out when a one-eyed bear bonked him in the nose while its owner slid out of his lap and jumped, hanging on the door knob, her feet dangling not a few inches off the ground. The door slid slightly open and George rushed to the window in time to see the backside of his second-in-command moving swiftly and silently away from the now wide open door.

Jack licked the spoon clean, enjoying each bite until he felt the tug on his pants. Then he squatted down and spoon fed her one bite before his cup and spoon were officially confiscated.

"The President is on a phone call, Colonel. I doubt very much he appreciates your antics. I'll just be taking these."

Fully aware the child would follow chocolate into a volcano, Jack only just managed not to stomp his foot as his pixie followed his CO, tugging on his pants trying to get him to give her the treat.

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